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Ford Motor Company

Demonstrating a “Third Age Suit” used by the Ford Motor Company to simulate the effects of ageing on a motorist at their Dunton Technical Centre in Essex. Pictures published in The Times.

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Demonstrating a "Third Age Suit" used by the Ford Motor Company to simulate the effects of ageing on a motorist at their Dunton Technical Centre in Essex - PICTURE BY JOHN McLELLAN Pictures published in The Times
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Demonstrating a "Third Age Suit" used by the Ford Motor Company to simulate the effects of ageing on a motorist at their Dunton Technical Centre in Essex - PICTURE BY JOHN McLELLAN Pictures published in The Times
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The Times Reporter Paul Warwick is fitted with a "Third Age Suit" used by the Ford Motor Company at Dunton in Essex to simulate the effects of ageing on a motorist by Andy Jamison, left and Mike Bradley - PICTURE BY JOHN McLELLAN Pictures published in The Times
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Demonstrating a "Third Age Suit" used by the Ford Motor Company to simulate the effects of ageing on a motorist at their Dunton Technical Centre in Essex - PICTURE BY JOHN McLELLAN Pictures published in The Times
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Demonstrating a "Third Age Suit" used by the Ford Motor Company to simulate the effects of ageing on a motorist at their Dunton Technical Centre in Essex - PICTURE BY JOHN McLELLAN Pictures published in The Times
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Demonstrating a "Third Age Suit" used by the Ford Motor Company to simulate the effects of ageing on a motorist at their Dunton Technical Centre in Essex - PICTURE BY JOHN McLELLAN Pictures published in The Times
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Demonstrating a "Third Age Suit" used by the Ford Motor Company to simulate the effects of ageing on a motorist at their Dunton Technical Centre in Essex - PICTURE BY JOHN McLELLAN Pictures published in The Times
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Demonstrating a "Third Age Suit" used by the Ford Motor Company to simulate the effects of ageing on a motorist at their Dunton Technical Centre in Essex - PICTURE BY JOHN McLELLAN Pictures published in The Times
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Demonstrating a "Third Age Suit" used by the Ford Motor Company to simulate the effects of ageing on a motorist at their Dunton Technical Centre in Essex - PICTURE BY JOHN McLELLAN Pictures published in The Times
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Demonstrating a "Third Age Suit" used by the Ford Motor Company to simulate the effects of ageing on a motorist at their Dunton Technical Centre in Essex - PICTURE BY JOHN McLELLAN Pictures published in The Times
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Demonstrating a "Third Age Suit" used by the Ford Motor Company to simulate the effects of ageing on a motorist at their Dunton Technical Centre in Essex - PICTURE BY JOHN McLELLAN Pictures published in The Times
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