Asparagus Spears to Asparagus Ice Cream. The latest flavour to grace the restaurant tables produced by Essex chef Mark Baumann and Asparagus grower Kate Brew, both of Coggeshall in Essex.
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Asparagus Spears to Asparagus Ice Cream. The latest flavour to grace the restaurant tables produced by Essex chef Mark Baumann and Asparagus grower Kate Brew, both of Coggeshall in Essex - PICTURE BY JOHN McLELLAN
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Asparagus Spears to Asparagus Ice Cream. The latest flavour to grace the restaurant tables produced by Essex chef Mark Baumann and Asparagus grower Kate Brew, both of Coggeshall in Essex - PICTURE BY JOHN McLELLAN
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Asparagus Spears to Asparagus Ice Cream. The latest flavour to grace the restaurant tables produced by Essex chef Mark Baumann and Asparagus grower Kate Brew, both of Coggeshall in Essex - PICTURE BY JOHN McLELLAN
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